Monthly Archives: April 2013

Simple Gestures Mean Alot


A simple gesture can carry so much meaning. I received a text message from a good friend this week, it said “She appreciated me and was glad I was a part of her life.” I was truly touched, and if … Read More>>

Tips for Managing an Online Reputation


Whether you are tracking the conversation or not, someone is probably talking about you somewhere online. And I don’t mean that personal bad dress or tie choice you made at the last networking function, but more importantly, they are talking about your business – good, bad or indifferent… Read More>>

Testimonial from Second Chance Toys


The thinking and creativity from 8fold continues to impress me on many fronts. From their grasp of online user experience and website navigation to their creative design solutions, Brad and Jennifer always take the high road when it comes to deliverables. Read More>>